A Cancerous Diagnosis

My 92 years young father began having difficulty swallowing in April of 2016. The ENT discovered a large B-Cell Lymphoma and encouraged him to begin treatment with radiation and chemotherapy which he declined due to his advanced age. READ MORE…


Growing your own Ginger Root

Several months ago I was given a large terra-cotta pot from someone moving out of my apartment complex, so I decided to plant some ginger root to see how it would do on my porch. I use it daily in my smoothies and thought it would be nice to grow my own. READ MORE…


What Would You Love?

I was asked this question when first learning the coaching principals that I teach today. Looking at the four areas of my life: Health, Relationships, Career, and Free Time I realized that I had been creating the same results day after day, month after month, and year after year. READ MORE…


Make Your Own Kimchee!

Why? First of all because it tastes amazing, not to mention its long list of health benefits. According to the Journal of Applied Microbiology cultured foods, like Kimchee. READ MORE…



Combat stress with the practice of Qi Gong

Qi Gong, pronounced “Chee” Gong is an ancient Chinese practice that has been described as moving meditation. Combining gentle flowing movements with conscious breathing, Qi Gong brings balance to an over stimulated nervous system.  READ MORE…